搜尋標籤: "water"
Collection of microbial samples from some environmental surfaces and collection of water sample (English subtitles available)This video introduces the collection of microbial samples from some environmental surfaces using swab sticks, as well as the way of swabbing in order to collect as many microbes as possible in the…
Kaylin Zhang
0 個讚
25 次播放
從環境表面收集微生物樣本及收集水樣本 (配以中文字幕)本短片介紹如何使用拭子棒從環境表面收集微生物樣本及如何擦拭所選區域以獲得最多的微生物樣本。此外,片中亦有介紹收集來自不同水源(水龍頭、魚缸或游泳池)的水樣本的方法。
Kaylin Zhang
0 個讚
86 次播放
Water, Drinking WaterThis programme is divisible into 6 segments as follows: 1. Is tap water suitable for drinking? Scholars and the spokesman from the Water Supplies Department express their opinions on the quality of…
0 個讚
213 次播放
食水處理本節目可分成四個部分。 (一) 食水處理的兩個階段 1. 「前期處理」 - 濾水廠工作人員向原水加入幾種化學藥物,然後把水引入澄清池,讓較大的懸浮粒子沉澱。再把水引入過濾池,把較細的微粒隔走。 2. 「後期處理」 - 向離開過濾池的水再次加入化學藥物,處理後的食水可以供應市民飲用。 (二) 氯氣殺菌 1.…
1 個讚
4,015 次播放
The Future of Rice (English subtitles available)With an aspiration to provide sufficient food for billions of people, Professor SUN Sai-ming Samuel of the School of Life Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, has dedicated to improving the…
0 個讚
220 次播放
Flying into SpaceThe programme is divided into 5 segments: 1. Action and Reaction Forces This segment uses a balloon and water rocket to explain the principle of action and reaction forces. In order to enter into…
0 個讚
1,079 次播放
Air and Burning (English subtitles available)This programme is divisible into 5 parts as follows: 1. Composition of Air Under room temperature and pressure, air is in the gaseous state, but it can be turned into the liquid state through…
0 個讚
539 次播放
Drinking Water TreatmentThis programme is divisible into 4 parts as follows: 1. Two Stages of Drinking Water Treatment a. First stage dosing – Chemicals are added to raw water in the treatment works before leading it…
0 個讚
828 次播放
A Visit to Hong Kong Park1. Identify names of some plants such as orchids, lotuses, etc. 2. Tell what people must and must not do in a park, e.g., No fishing, Walk carefully, Do not smoke, etc. 3. Learn about the vocabulary…
0 個讚
2,662 次播放
水、食水本節目分為六部分: 1. 自來水適宜飲用嗎? 本節目訪問了水務署發言人及一些環保人士和學者,從科學、技術與社會的角度探討香港的食水問題。水務署及其他受訪者均稱香港的食水肯定符合世界衛生組織所訂定的食水水質標準,經濾水廠處理過的食水原則上是可以直接飲用,無須煮沸。但市民偶有發現自來水水質受到污染的個案,受訪者認為是由於從濾水廠輸送到用戶過程中出現問題。 2.…
0 個讚
898 次播放
Water Pollution1. An introduction to the sources of water pollutants; 2. An introduction to the sewage treatment strategy in Hong Kong; 3. An explanation of the methods of sewage treatment for compiling with the…
0 個讚
286 次播放