搜尋標籤: "empathy"
Let Our Imagination Run Wild Episode 10: Isis and the Seven Scorpions (English subtitles available)In this first episode of the culture and civilisation series, we travel through the time tunnel to ancient Egypt and learn about their famous gods and goddesses, inventions that we still use today as…
jackieyclee edb-jackieyclee
2 個讚
3,986 次播放
德育故事系列──(八) 擁有四個博士學位的人 Values Education Stories Series: (8) A Person Who Holds Four Doctoral Degrees本故事是關於一名集牧師、大學教授、管風琴專家於一身的年輕德國人在29歲那年再讀醫科去非洲傳教的事跡。 The story of a young German who is a priest, tenured university professor and pipe organ guru.He decided to study medicine from square…
jackieyclee edb-jackieyclee
0 個讚
703 次播放
德育故事系列──(六)香港女兒 Values Education Stories Series: (6) The Daughter of Hong Kong故事講述謝婉雯醫生的事跡。謝醫生生於香港,在香港接受醫科訓練。她在2003年SARS疫情最危急的時候為香港犧牲了自己。 This story is about the life of Dr Joanna Tse Yeun-man. Dr Tse was born in Hong Kong. She received medical training locally.…
jackieyclee edb-jackieyclee
0 個讚
1,210 次播放
Let’s Learn about National Security (Audio Picture Book) (English subtitles available)This audio picture book presents the essential information about national security in a lively way.It introduces different areas of national security, as well as enactment and content of the National…
jackieyclee edb-jackieyclee
0 個讚
8,215 次播放