搜尋標籤: "wind"
敲擊樂 齊齊學:風鈴 (中文字幕可供選擇)敲擊樂 齊齊學 Using Classroom Percussion Instruments: 雙音牛鈴 Agogo Bell邦哥鼓 Bongos卡巴沙鈴 Cabasa響板 Castanets響棒 Claves康加鼓 Congas牛鈴 Cowbell手鈸 Crash Cymbals非洲鼓 Djembe手指鈸 Finger Cymbals手鼓 Frame Drum鋼片琴…
jackieyclee edb-jackieyclee
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204 次播放
Catch the wind (English subtitles available)On a very windy day, Geanie and Freddie feel that the wind is really naughty. The flowers that they want to pick are all blown away. Thinking that the wind is like a naughty boy, they decide to catch…
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994 次播放
氣候的差異節目透過兩位主持人的對話,介紹各學習要點。 節目先提及另一集教育電視節目「氣候」所談過的內容:假設地球是一個表面光滑而質地均勻的球體,那麼緯度便是影響氣候的最主要因素,而同一緯度的地方,他們的氣候情況亦應該是很相似的。但事實上,地球有高山有平地;有海洋有陸地;有森林有荒漠,這些差異都會影響全球的氣候差異。隨後再介紹其他影響氣候的因素:「高度」、「坡向」、「風向」、「地 形」、「陸地同海水差異」及…
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2,515 次播放
氣候 (中、英文字幕可供選擇)本節目是為配合新修訂的中四至中五地理科課程(將於二零零三年九月開始實施)的推行而製作的。 節目首先假設地球是一個表面光滑而質地均勻,並沒有陸地及海洋分別的球體,然後再介紹以下內容: (1) 大氣層結構 (2) 緯度與氣溫(其中一個氣候因素)的關係 (3) 其他氣候因素(包括風、氣壓及降水)的: a. 相互關係(尤其是與氣溫的關係) b.…
2 個讚
2,528 次播放
Forces and Motion Behind Sprinting (English subtitles available)1. Recognize the major phases of a sprint (start, acceleration, maintaining speed, and deceleration); and 2. Understand the Newton’s Laws of motion involved in a sprint.
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842 次播放
Global Distribution Pattern of Temperature (English subtitles available)1. To understand the global distribution pattern of temperature 2. To understand the factors affecting the global distribution pattern of temperature
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529 次播放
Have You Ever Seen the Monsters? (English subtitles available)The monsters make some funny sounds after eating too much and too quickly. They burp. They hiccup and they also break wind. That is so gross. Try not to do that in public.
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6,759 次播放